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LaHoChi 13th octave


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As a practitioner and teacher of the LaHoChi 13th Octave energy healing technique, I offer 1-hour energy treatments (according to my felt needs).

I also offer introductory courses and training in the 13th Octave LaHoChi healing technique. The training lasts one day. To do this, please go to the "Training" section on the right of the screen.


How many sessions?


Whether it's an on-table treatment or a distance treatment, the number of sessions will vary from person to person. It all depends on the blockages to be cleared and how each person feels.
On average, you should count on about 3 sessions, but I advise you to leave a minimum of 21 days between each energy treatment, whether with me or with another practitioner. In fact, 21 days is the minimum number of days it takes for the body to change a habit, because on average that's how long it takes the subconscious mind to accept mental reprogramming, but it's also and above all the time needed for the energy to work and thus integrate the full effect of the treatment.   

By the way: LaHoChi 13th Octave is one of the highest frequencies of healing Light which, combined with the intentions of the spiritual world and human beings, allows the energy to move wherever it needs to go. It can be used for healing the earth, humans, animals and plants.


LaHoChi means :

The "La" sound refers to the light, love and wisdom coming from the frequencies of Christ,

The "Ho" sound refers to the movement of this energy,

The "Chi" sound is the life force, the universal energy of life.

Consequently, LaHoChi is the highest frequency of healing light which, combined with the intentions of the spiritual world and human beings, allows the energy to move wherever it needs to go.

The difference with the original form of LaHoChi is enormous.

It is the energy of the Council of Love: 13 Ascended Masters forming the core group and under the auspices of the Masters St Germain and Lao Tseu, as well as the 7 principal Archangels, that makes it different from the original form. The energies of the Violet Flame, the Blue Diamond of the Universal Mother Grid (to work with Sacred Geometry) and the Lemurian crystals are also added.


Images lahochi


The 13 participating Masters (the Octave) :

       Mother Mary, the Universal Mother
       Sai Baba
       the essence of Buddha
       Lao Tzu
       Saint Francis of Assisi
       Saint Bernadette
       Saint Germain
       Saint Theresa
       Saint Catherine

This sacred initiation circle is always accompanied by the Archangels Gabriel and Michael and Jesus Sananda.

The 7 main Archangels:



Uriel, Jophiel





Archangel Raphael gives the following explanation: "The gift of the 13th Octave is the immediate and miraculous opening and healing of every heart".

The Council of Love tells us that LaHoChi alone strengthens Reiki by 100 x, the addition of the 13th Octave, the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond has a cataclysmic effect.

LaHoChi began the activation, the LaHoChi of the Thirteenth Octave continues the purification of Mother Earth and her inhabitants.

It is an energy that was brought to Earth by the Pleiadians. The wisdom and knowledge of LaHoChi were hidden for centuries after the fall of Atlantis. In the early 1990s, the form was reintroduced to the Western world by Satchamar, a student of Satya Sai Baba.

It was Linda Dillon in 2000 who expanded the energy of LaHoChi in her School of Violet Flame Healing.

By strengthening the technique with the 13th Octave, a number of benefits were added:

    ¬ Inner peace
    ¬ Strengthened meridians
     ¬ Reduced stress
     ¬ Union with the Divine Heart
     ¬ Increased Spiritual Consciousness
     ¬ Anchoring of the Universal Self and Soul
     ¬ Release of emotional blockages
     ¬ Opening and harmonisation of the 13 chakras
     ¬ Activation of unexplored parts of the brain
     ¬ Accelerates healing
     ¬ Cleansing of the lymphatic system
     ¬ Balances the hips
     ¬ Vitalisation of organs and glands
     ¬ Visions for the giver and the client

 The thirteenth Octave allows access to the 7th dimension
     ¬ The Thirteenth Octave is the key to accessing the memory of our pure state of perfection, consciousness, knowledge and love, the state we all deserve.


How a session works


Each session begins with a short interview to allow you to explain your situation. If you wish, you can also talk about any important events in your life.

The session takes place on a massage table and/or remotely, lying down. You remain fully clothed. A light blanket covers you to keep you warm. You are simply asked to remove your shoes.

The practitioner uses 18 different positions or hand positions (touch), using light, respectful hands. The energy transfer lasts 2 to 5 minutes for the eighteen positions and one to two minutes for the angelic healing position. The session takes place in silence and lasts 1 hour, depending on the needs felt by the practitioner.

During the session, the person enjoys a period of deep relaxation, during which they are asked to try not to think about anything, just to accept what comes. This is the ideal way to make the most of the benefits of the session.

The session ends with a time that you can use freely, either in silence to take the time to reorientate yourself towards the outside world after this time of relaxation, or by expressing what you have felt.

After a session, the recipient should ensure that he or she drinks enough fluids for the next 24 hours, in order to support and facilitate the release of toxins, and thereby stimulate the body's self-healing capacity.


Remote session :

As energy has no limits in time or space, these sessions can be held at a distance. The receiver then has a short telephone conversation with the practitioner. They then lie down at home while the practitioner performs the gestures from a distance. It is not uncommon for the person to fall asleep during or just after this treatment, so it is often preferable to schedule it either at the end of the day or on a day of rest.

Lahochi 13th Octave (pronounced lahhoechee) is a spiritual energy with very high vibratory frequencies. It enables us to gain a greater understanding and use of the Universal Energy of Life for ourselves and to help others, while respecting the free will of each individual.

The 13th Octave Lahochi can be used alone or in combination with other healing systems.

The 13th Octave Lahochi enables access to and integration of subtle healing energies at higher frequencies, opening up multidimensional consciousness.

The 13th Octave Lahochi restructures and balances the subtle bodies of the Being, particularly when there has been trauma in the emotional body.


Anyone can learn this simple hands-on healing technique. It is through practice and opening your own channels that you will become more and more proficient. A characteristic of Lahochi is that the invocation to the Master LaHoChi, as well as the preliminary prayer, maintains a "Seal of Protection" around the healer and the receiver.


This protection counteracts vibrational disturbances and protects both giver and receiver from negative energies released during the healing.

As with other vibrational healing methods, both the healer and the receiver receive a healing treatment during a Lahochi session.

Lahochi treatments can be transmitted in a live session or remotely.

 The practitioner has five specific basic positions in which he places his hands on the recipient's body.

They cover the head, torso, arms, hips, legs and heart. With practice, he learns to become a complete channel, trusting his intuition and allowing himself to be guided to send healing energy to a specific area or areas on the patient.




Self-treatment with LaHoChi 13th Octave

Self-treatment is a very powerful tool for integrating the different information received during initiation and bringing about deep healing within oneself. A wonderful way to maintain a balanced state of health and consciousness is to self-treat on a regular basis. If you feel any kind of imbalance, such as a sore throat or the onset of a virus or emotional upset, give yourself a self-treatment session using the four hand positions.



LaHoChi initiations at the level of the Higher Chakras, specifically those from the 14th to the 16th, located above the head, on the connection between the Heart and the Divine Source, help to anchor the Higher Self in physical reality.

The benefits of LaHoChi 13th Octave:


LaHoChi 13th Octave opens the body's 21 energy centres or meridian anatomy system.

1. LaHoChi rebuilds the energy field by repairing breaches, tears and areas damaged by a variety of influences including difficult birth, surgery, radiation, drugs, accidents, past and present life injuries, all types of trauma, environmental poisoning, negative programming and genetic tendencies.

2. Introduces vibrations of colour and health.

3. Improves the etheric field, like an acupuncture treatment.

4. Charges floral and mineral essences with vibrations.

5. Balances the circulation of cranial fluid in the brain and balances the cerebro-spinal system.

6. Opens the body's 21 energy centres or meridian anatomy system.

7. Opens blockages in the subtle energy bodies.

8. Opens and cleanses the chakra system.

9. Re-aligns the body's structure as a multi-dimensional grid system that maintains the body's integrity.

10. Clears electrical blockages in the body's energy, similar to a network of links between the cellular memory and the physical body, so that information can pass freely.

11. Broadens the energy field.

12. Places the divine memory in the outer layer of the energy field, which will transmit the divine memory to the entire body.

13. Places the divine memory in the etheric field in order to heal imbalances.

14. Activates the body of light.

5. Accélère la guérison et les dons spirituels

16. Permet d'atteindre les plus hauts états de méditation ou de conscience possible pour chaque personne dans le moment présent.



Réactions possibles suite à un soin énergétique



Les réactions décrites plus bas sont d’ordre général.


Chaque personne est différente et vivra donc le soin de manière différente. 

Le soin énergétique agit tout en douceur, de manière subtile.

- It is possible to feel tired after a treatment.

- It is also possible to feel that emotions surface, either during the session or in the days that follow. This is normal. Allow these emotions to surface and be released. Don't fight them, as the treatment helps to free psycho-emotional blocks.

- It is also likely that the symptoms of an illness or psychological condition will initially worsen before gradually disappearing. This is a normal reaction of the body, known to practitioners of natural therapies and referred to as a "healing crisis".

- As a precautionary measure, I do not carry out treatments on people with pacemakers.

- In all cases, energetic treatment is a means of accompaniment and support during medical treatment and not a healing treatment in its own right.

- Perceptions and feelings during a treatment vary from person to person. If you don't feel anything, it doesn't mean that "it's not working". Everyone is different and perceives things in their own way. Are you a living being? Then the energy will definitely come to you :)


As a patient, follow your feelings, always go to the person you trust, listen to your heart...
Take the time to choose your practitioner carefully, there are those who act with their mind, for glory and money and those who follow their heart... A good practitioner won't always say "YES" just to satisfy you, he'll know how to say "NO" for your well-being.




Generally speaking, there are no contraindications. However, in cases that do not fall within our remit, such as schizophrenia or personality disorders, a LaHoChi treatment may be contraindicated. Furthermore, we strongly suggest that people with such symptoms consult a health professional.




    The practitioner undertakes to maintain complete confidentiality.
    Lahochi is in no way a substitute for medical advice or treatment,
    Lahochi does not belong to any religious or sectarian order or movement of any kind,

Last edited: 04/02/2025

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